Beauty and Diversity

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WTCQD 2023 Hosted by Tai Chi for Health and Wellness

Seeds of Joy “ Rivers of God”


*All proceeds fund local Health & Wellness Professionals ways to share their passion with others. These specialized programs will be made available for everyone globally, to enjoy at no cost. We value every donation, no matter the amount. 

A Tax Donation receipt will be sent to you. Thank you for your continued support.

Supporting Sponsors for Locals on a Global Mission

Balanced Physician Care
Dr. Truty

Balanced Physician Care

Upcoming Events

Seeds of Joy (ongoing program)

March 20 @ 8:00 am - December 31 @ 5:00 pm

This ongoing program is to promote attracting pollinators throughout our community. Birds, Bees, Butterflies, Beetles, Bats & other small mammals [...]

World Tai Chi/Qigong Day Saturday 27th, 9:30-12:00 Join your fellow Tai Chi friends & family in the celebration that we [...]

Sportsters Field Day

May 18 @ 9:00 am - 10:30 am

Enjoy a morning filled with exciting challenges with 3 legged relays, potato sack, wheel barrow run and tug -a-war to [...]

Introduction to Drive thru Rx for Good Health

Consider It | New Age Hippy | Phantom Load Electricity Demonstration

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