Our Mission

Educating for sustainability both Locally and Globally, while promoting lifestyle choices that aim to address todays carbon footprint.

Sheri Nicholson and Paul Nicholson, Founders of New Age Hippy, Inc., two people passionate about the environment and its future.

Sheri is a Posture Alignment Specialist, Personal Trainer and Tai Chi Instructor. www.seafitwellness.com  & www.taichihealthandwellness.com

Paul is a licensed Solar Contractor with 42 years of Engineering experience. 

  • “Today’s Lifestyle-Yesterday’s Footprint”!

We believe, collectively we need to reduce our carbon footprint to preserve our environment for future generations. Our motto, “Today’s Lifestyle-Yesterday’s Footprint” means you can enjoy the benefits of a modern lifestyle and leave less of a footprint today than we did yesterday. All of us can help repair our environment by reducing, reusing, recycling .

We believe leading by example is the most visible  way to complete “Walk the walk, …”.

We live the lifestyle necessary for future human enjoyment of this unique and wonderful planet.